Entries published during July, 2013

trash 130718 1200

The day Detroit threatened to declare bankruptcy–with a population loss of over 50%, and with 18 to 20 billion debt declared by new accounting–this was the scene in the alley behind my studio in the Canfield Lofts, in the pleasant and prosperous midtown area. A friend commented, “Basquiat!”; I thought “Rauschenberg”; Smithson would declare it a “nonsite”–there is a certain aesthetic appeal to the image, certainly, partly due to the water drops on the window, from a recent heavy rain and high temperatures, creating painterly effects. Pink graffiti meets material overflow as sensory excess. As art, the image presents itself to the senses so we would all agree that the pleasure we would feel is certainly not due to its depicted content.

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I Met (Paterson)
5th Biennial Conference
of the William Carlos Williams Society
William Paterson University
27-29 June 2013
(After On Kawara)

Stephen Hahn
Scott Peterson
Alisa Allkins
Kyle Allkins
Joshua Keiter
Kate Schnur
Christopher Wagstaff
Alec Marsh
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