Entries published at 11/12/2016

Entry 27: The New Blast



The New Blast (first 25)

Blast the Brutalitarians!

Blast the New Barbarians!

Blast the use of Brute Force!

Blast the poetics of Domination!

Blast the Six Million Nonactors!

Blast the end of Moral Scruples!

Blast the guiles of Mendacity!

Blast the flipping of the Rust Belt!

Blast surplus of Data Analytics!

Blast ruse of Informed Judgment!

Blast all False Prognosticators!

Blast the Primal Horde of Bros!

Blast Little People Talking Big!

Blast Big People Talking Down!

Blast the rise of Family Dynasties!

Blast fascination of Filthy Lucre!

Blast the servitude of Denial!

Blast empty places to Fill In!

Blast the Reality TV of Choice!

Blast the choice of Reality TV!

Blast endless receding Horizons!

Blast the Abyss of every Ground!

Blast all forms of Normalization!

Blast containments of Narrative!

Blast _____ fill in the Blanks!

[after Wyndham Lewis; to be contd.]