Entries published during August, 2017

Imagined Theatres:
Writing for a Theoretical Stage

Edinburgh International Book Festival
17 August 2017

Imagined Theatres cover

Daniel Sack
Dominika Laster
Michael McMillan
Carla Harryman
Jen Harvie

from “The Trouble with Occupy:
Materialism, Transvaluation, and the Symbolic”

Occupy was, and continues to be, an event; we speak of “the event of Occupy” much as we refer to the “event of 9/11.” Occupy poets both participated in the event of Occupy but also continued it as an event through their work, which to a degree anticipated the event in providing terms drawn from poetry. At the center of the Occupy movement was a poetics, one that is not merely represented by its poets or reflected in their work. The spontaneity of decision making, the refusal of hierarchical structures, the advocacy of a “transvaluation of all values” without concrete political goals, the temporal and spatial forms of the movement, its self-understanding as exemplary as much as practical—all point toward a constructivist poetics in which there are no prior givens or certain grounds. My writing on Occupy poetry, too, has had an evental character; what follows develops a sequence of paradigms over several conference presentations and publications as political events continued to unfold. It has not been sufficiently noted that a shift in the register of politics as “event” from Occupy in 2011 to the 2012 reelection of Barack Obama effectively ended the active phase of the movement; since that time, it has persisted as a political imaginary that has been both absorbed into political developments like the Sanders campaign and preserved in an ongoing articulation of poetics and political theory. … More

Event 80: I Met (MSA 19)

Modernist Studies Association
Beurs van Berlage, Amsterdam
10–13 August 2017

Questions of the Present
in Contemporary Poetics
1.20 Veilingzaal, 13 August 2017

Stephanie Anderson
Louis Bury
Tomasz Cieslak-Sokolowski
George Fragopoulos
Alan Golding
Kristin Grogan
Franziska Ruprecht
Joshua Schuster
Wendy Truran
Samuel Vriezen
Tyrone Williams
Mia You
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