Entry 28: The New Blast II



The New Blast (second 25)

Blast your Existential Threats!

Blast being Painted into a Corner!

Blast your need for Boundaries!

Blast all Boundaries whatsoever!

Blast the Line, the Fence, the Wall!

Blast dichotomy of Spatial Regions!

Blast anything Red, Blue, and Purple!

Blast the Undermining of Gray Areas!

Blast the Destruction of the Zone!

Blast the Silence of the Majority!

Blast the Rule of Enforced Quietude!

Blast any Liquidation of Avant-Gardes!

Blast not Talking in the Workplace!

Blast the Denial of Public Discourse!

Blast the Truth of Perpetual Distortion!

Blast our Perverse Triumph of the Will!

Blast our Regime of Monumentality!

Blast the New Sinking of the Titanic!

Blast the Engineers of False Hope!

Blast any Mention of Hope Altogether!

Blast the Stasis of Nonexistent Change!

Blast you Pimps of Hope and Change!

Blast Progressivism and its Illusions!

Blast the Rule of Regressive Psyches!

Blast the Ruse of Cynical Reason!

[after Wyndham Lewis; to be contd.]

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