Entries published at 03/16/2018

“Third Factory: Avant-Garde,
Social Construction, and Ideology in the Soviet 20s”

European Network for Avant-Garde and Modernist Studies (EAM)
Universität Münster, 5–7 September 2018

For this year’s EAM, centered the theme of “Realisms of the Avant-Garde and Modernism,” I propose to organize a panel or multi-session series of panels that would revisit the relation of the avant-garde to social construction. Such a project would necessarily be revisionist, in deepening but questioning the role of the avant-garde in the project of social construction, particularly after new archival materials and critical perspectives have become available. But it would also try to refocus interest on the Soviet 20s as scene of a coordinated Gesamtkunstwerk beyond individual artists, works, groupings, or genres that has continued relevance for a global, mediated, ideologically distorted world. … More