Entries tagged with Wayne State University

Poet Sandra Simonds kicks off the Open Field Reading Series at Wayne State University, Monday, January 30, 4 PM, in the Department of English Conference Room, 10302 5057 Woodward Avenue, Detroit. Tuesday, January 31, 7:30, she will lead a discussion on “Antifa Sorcery / Mongrel Dialectics,” at N-Space in the Canfield Lofts, 460 W. Canfield, Detroit. For flyer, click below:

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If there is a 24/7 poet now writing, Sandra Simonds is it. Bridging language-centered experimentalism, engaged feminism, media culture, and immediate politics, her poetry demonstrates the neural networking that we require, suffer, and live under millennial capitalism. Writing in fluid and inventive formal structures, she mines the materiality of the everyday, distributing it in nuanced combinations and pushing toward the resistant truths it reveals.

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Michael Schmidt’s dissertation, “The Materialism of the Encounter: Queer Sociality and Capital in Modern Literature,” is scheduled for its defense in the Wayne State Department of English at 11 AM, Tuesday, March 19, 10302 5057 Woodward Avenue, Detroit. This a public defense. After its conclusion, I will post the abstract here.