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Diasporic Avant-Gardes:
East Asian Transitions in Form and Genre

ACLA Virtual Conference, 15–18 June 2022

Organized by Barrett Watten, Wayne State University
and Lauri Scheyer, Hunan Normal University 

Seminar program

Session 1: Diasporic Regions
Thursday June 16, 8:30–10:15 AM PDT/11:30 AM–1:15 PM EDT

Introduction: Diasporic Avant-Gardes

Barrett Watten, WSU: “East Asian/Asian American: Displacement and Innovation in Hung Liu’s Collective Portraits and Tao Lin’s Autofictions”

David Perry, NYU Shanghai: “Internal Migrations, Deep-Time Retreats, and Solastalgia: Anthropocenic Arrivals, Departures, and Exile in 21st Century Avant-Garde Mainland Chinese Poetry”

A.J. Carruthers, Nanjing U: “Avant-Garde Austalgia”

Session 2: Transition/hybridity
Friday June 17, 8:30–10:15 AM PDT/11:30 AM–1:15 PM EDT

Lauri Scheyer, Hunan Normal U: “Asian American/East Asian Identifications with African American Poetry”

Katie Bradshaw, U Tennessee: “The ‘Dragging Foot’ of José Garcia Villa’s Performative ‘Comma Poems’”

Carla Harryman, Eastern Michigan U: “Reciprocal Echoes of Citation and Photographic Document in Mary Kim Arnold’s Essay ‘Litany for the Long Moment’”

Edwin Torres, Poet New York: “The Inter-Lingo of Language-Seeing: between what is heard and what is held onto”

Session 3: Translational Avant-Gardes
Saturday June 18 / 8:30–10:15 AM PDT/11:30 AM–1:15 PM EDT

Lucas Klein, Arizona SU: “‘Rivers of When, Why, and What’: Translational Sinophone Poetry”

Spencer Lee-Lenfield, Yale U: “Diasporic Translation and Historical Emplacement: Emigrant Translators between Korean and English”

Katharine Streip, Concordia U: “J’écoutais les cygnes: Theresa Hak Kyung Cha’s Alchemical Dictation”

Hyunjung Kim, Texas A&M U: “Don Mee Choi’s Salivary Poetics: (Non)silent Translation of Kim Hyesoon’s Poetry”

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Sunday, May 15
> Buffalo

Kaplan Harris
Sarah Buckley

Getting on the road, I wrote on Facebook: “Turns out I am driving to Buffalo this very day. What sadness, so terrible. I am sure it is affecting everyone there.” After entering via the Peace Bridge, the first thing I saw was a block party in a Black neighborhood, conveying a somber tone of survival despite everything. Kaplan Harris and his partner Sarah greeted me with exceptional food and conversation, ranging from archives to prison abolition. Later, walking out in the Elmwood District, I wondered how it had been going in Buffalo since when. Everywhere is war, I hear the echoes of Bob Marley in my head as I walk by some loud partying. I exited next day through the fated neighborhood itself.

Monday, May 16
> Germantown/Brooklyn

Ann Lauterbach

Terrific storms accompanied my power drive through upstate New York, blasts of rain pelting in sheets creating maelstroms with each passing truck. Somewhere in the middle of the state, I stopped for gas to find an electrical glitch would not open the gas tank flap. There is no manual override. This event, dramatic perhaps only to myself, needed about an hour of phone calls to a long-distance service expert, after which I was able to re-set the circuit.  Coming down the Hudson and into Germantown, the rain accelerated to the point of zero visibility, in buckets of slushy hail. In from the storm, Ann Lauterbach greeted me from the porch of her restored schoolhouse down the road. Our elegant meeting, with an Italian white and hors d’oeuvre something like a mozzarelline fritte, but with a thicker, seasoned crust (help me out on this one, Ann), led to serious discussion of the crisis of the academy, seen from the perspectives of a liberal arts college and a working-class university. Of the many fine editions on display, I admired chapbooks of Eliot’s Little Gidding and Joyce’s Anna Livia Plurabelle (or was it Work in Progress—same thing). There was an altar to Ann’s friendship with Joe Brainard and portrait of her by Alex Katz. Back on the road, briefly clearing up, I had forgotten my umbrella. The Taconic Parkway beckoned to New York and the overpriced hotel, set between a dialysis center and U-Haul truck return, I had booked in Lower Park Slope.

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Friday, April 29
Delta DTW > SFO

> Half Moon Bay/Carmel Valley

Carla Harryman

Saturday, April 30

Memorial for Tim Hill
28 July 1948–18 December 2020

Christine Watten
Jan Watten
Steve Nakashima
Emilie Watten-Imboden
Barbara Johnstone
Michael Pappas
Daniel Strauss
Caroline Strauss
Andrew Johnstone … More

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After the Louisville Conference, with COVID numbers in decline, Carla and I headed west for a week on the coast. The trip was not simply restorative but repurposing, reconnecting with friends and family in real time, face to face. And so we saw them, in each instance redefining both time and events that have come between. These friends and family, of long standing and more recent acquaintance, are prime numbers, so to speak, in a series that has many twists and turns. Life histories and practices of art coincide with them, for which they are primes. As we know, a coastline is a fractal, as in the thumbnail sketches below:

Monday, February 28
Delta DTW > SFO
> San Francisco/Stinson Beach

Megan Adams/Camille Roy

Our first stop after arrival at SFO was with New Narrative author Megan Adams/Camille Roy, celebrating her just published collection of stories Honey MineWe admired the art, light, rooms, and overgrown garden of her working-class mansion across from the thronged Daniel Webster School playground, where I first taught Poetry in the Schools. We then walked the streets of Potrero Hill, with its monuments to the history of Language writing still preserved at 235 Missouri Street, 326 Connecticut Street, and the public gym and soccer field at the top of the hill, where the competitive drives of young poets were at play. Just so, New Narrative and Language writing conjoin.

> Stinson Beach

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The Louisville Conference
on Literature and Culture since 1900
24–26 February 2017
University of Louisville

Joseph Donahue
Adeena Karasick
Mark Scroggins
Alan Golding
Matthew Biberman
Lauri Scheyer
Judith Roof
Lynn Keller
Aldon Nielsen
Joseph Shafer
Joe Safdie
Jeff Davis
Lisa Shapiro
Norman Finkelstein
Alice Finkelstein
Joshua Corey
Robert Archambeau
Sally Connolly
David Kellogg
Tyrone Williams
Laura Vrana
Johnny Payne
V. Joshua Adams
Charles Altieri
Robert von Hallberg
Oren Izenberg
Rosanna Warren
Richard Strier
John Beer
Brenda Hillman
Kristi Maxwell
Brendan Johnston
W. Scott Howard
Addie Hopes
Peter O’Leary
Stephen Williams
Shannon Tharp
Alicia Wright
Justin Wymer
Leah Nieboer
Benjamin Lee
Karen Hadley
Ali Altaf Mian
Suzette Henke
Ann Hall


Notes and links

Photos: Matthew Biberman


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Writing in the Event:
“The Beirut/Hell Remix
(After Etel Adnan)”

Last October I had the good fortune to preview Etel Adnan: Light’s New Measurethe Guggenheim Museum’s career retrospective of Adnan’s visual art, which makes significant reference to her writing. The cross-genre and multi-languaged aspects of her work could not be missed, an opening beyond the usual categories that art history and museum curating maintain. The museum was also making a political point in showing Adnan’s work along with a deep selection of the abstract painting of Vasily Kandinsky. The move from landscape to abstraction unites the two, but the differing contexts for abstraction are equally the point. Eurocentric modernism is in transition, refunctioned as a global cosmopolitanism, which arrives with the breakthrough moment of Adnan’s painting at dOCUMENTA 13 (2012) at what I have described as a “global archive.”

The occasion itself was compelling and bittersweet. Etel herself could not attend the opening but was represented by her partner, Simone Fattal—whose solo show at the Whitechapel Gallery in London was also on the global agenda. With Carla Harryman, we made plans to meet in Paris in November; we would have a French Thanksgiving, the day after the American one. Etel Adnan died on November 14, a Saturday. The news came through friends the next day. From all corners and all kinds of people the reaction was profound: the passing of a figure who had touched many, over many decades. We would still be coming to Paris as travel was arranged and plans had been made; the Omicron curtain had not yet come down. Everything was up in the air, suspended. Simone texted after we arrived; will you still be coming to dinner? Meetings with a remarkable woman on the rue Madame. We discussed everything and nothing as friends came and went. One resonant detail concerned Etel’s daily attention to events in Beirut, from economic collapse to the 2020 explosion. Not coincidentally, the Institut du Monde Arabe was exhibiting visual art referencing Beirut before and after the explosion under the title “Lumières du Liban,” in which Etel and Simone were both strongly present. We told Simone we would attend, and reported back after we did.

The museum bookstore stocks an impressive array of titles by Adnan, in many languages. I was immediately taken by Galerie Lelong’s 2021 publication of L’Express Beirut–Enfer, which brought together three texts, the first originally written in French and then later published in her English version. Meanwhile, plans that had been under way at the Guggenheim Museum were also up in the air, with the news of Etel’s passing, the onset of the Omicron surge, and the Guggenheim’s new partnership with the Academy of American Poets. In the end, I would agree to provide a written work, on commission, for the tribute to Etel, to be published online in conjunction with a virtual reading by poets who could perform in New York. Both events took place: the reading, while impeded by some gapping due to bandwidth issues, features an epochal performance by Anne Waldman along with tributes by Ammiel Alcalay, Omar Berrada, Stephen Motika, and Asiya Wadud, made available on Vimeo. And my text, “The Beirut–Hell Remix (After Etel Adnan),” along with an explanatory note that appears at the end of the poem, is published at the link below. One can only hope that, in future days, the many facets of this event for Etel Adnan will be seen together.

“The Beirut–Hell Remix (After Etel Adnan)” [link]
Original by Etel Adnan composed 1970; first published 1971
Adaptation/translation by Barrett Watten; completed January 2022
Online publication by The Guggenheim Museum, January 2022

Notes and links


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“Global Parataxis and the Avant-Garde:
Rethinking Histories on a Planetary Scale”

“Globalizing the Avant-Garde”
European Network for Avant-Garde and Modernist Studies (EAM)
Instituto de História da Arte, IHA/FCSH–Universidade NOVA de Lisboa
Lisbon, Portugal, 1–3 September 2022

The conference proposal for EAM’s eighth biannual conference, reconvening in Lisbon after a two-year hiatus in 2020, clearly calls for a critical reassessment of the Eurocentric history of the avant-garde, given the multiple writers, artists, styles, and movements that bear similarities and links to the historical avant-gardes as they develop culturally but also regionally specific projects that challenge the given accounts of what is “avant-garde.” Otherwise put, if global avant-gardes overall conduct a “systemic detotalization” of the global system through radical formal means, what does that mean if the “global” is open, not yet determined, always in process, even violently contested across multiple regions. An open horizon of the avant-garde may indeed be the project of global exhibitions such as Documenta, the Venice and São Paolo Biennales, and others, often involving conceptual, site-specific, performative strategies but also new forms of positive representation. The recent handbook Global Art by Jessica Lack (2020) summarizes a compelling range of multiple movements and styles, from anti-Imperialist and revolutionary movements to movements founded at moments of independence, as acts of resistance, as interrogations of identity and collectivity, and as overtly political artistic practices. In literature, the shift of comparative literature away from Eurocentric literariness and toward a more complex account of multiple languages, diasporic histories, and possibilities of translation create opportunities for rethinking the avant-garde as always addressing cultural displacement as much as metropolitan location; here the convulsive growth of global cities comes into view in work from East Asia, South Asia, the Middle East, and Africa in particular. This Call for Papers seeks to establish a multiple, decentered, global or planetary frame for the avant-garde(s), in the present, recent past, or longer history. Presentations on specific writers, artists, styles, or movements as sites of inquiry; or rethinking of what terms such as “global,” “planetary,” or “world” mean for the avant-garde in an era of pandemics and climate change, as well as political antagonism and the aporias of global capitalism will be most welcome. At the intersection of radical particularity and detotalized globality may arise new approaches that augment and depart from the historical avant-gardes.

The conference proposal deadline is Saturday, January 15. Please submit an abstract and bio for consideration by Friday, January 14 to Barrett Watten, barrett.watten@gmail.com.

Links and Notes

For PDF flyer, click here; for EAM conference site, click here.

Image: Gordon Bennett, untitled, 1989; from Global Conceptualism: Points of Origin, 1950s–1980s, Queens Museum, 1999.

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Barrett Watten & Carla Harryman
Correlations & Conversations in Poetics
24–25 November 2021


  • Poetry Reading / 24 November 19:00 / open to the public / notice of attendance requested / contact Hélène Aji (below)
    Ecole normal supérieure (rue d’Ulm) / Bibliothèque des letters

World premiere of “Notzeit (After Hannah Höch)” / Barrett Watten
Reading from “Good Morning” and “Cloud Cantatas” / Carla Harryman

  • Seminar / 25 November 9:00–10:00 / by registration
    ENS (rue d’Ulm) / salle Celan / open to students and doctoral students on prior registration / contact  Hélène Aji (below)

“Historicism and Presentism in Bad History and ‘The Annotated Plan B'”

  • Roundtable / 25 November 16:30–18:30 / open to the public / notice of attendance recommended / contact Hélène Aji (below)
    Université Paris Nanterre / salle de séminaire / 2 Max Weber

“Correlations & Conversations in Poetics”

Exchanges with Barrett Watten on Zone (Correlations, 1973–2021) and Carla Harryman on Poetics of Conversation
Discussants: Hélène Aji (ENS); Benoît Bondroit (U Paris Nanterre); Abigail Lang (U Paris); and Clément Oudart (Sorbonne U)

Policies, media, and contact

Due to COVID precautions in Paris institutions, attendance at events at ENS is limited to 30 (reading) and 35 (seminar). Please contact Hélène Aji to place yourself on the list for the reading or to register for the seminar (students and graduate students). Attendance for the roundtable at Paris Nanterre is limited 25; contact Hélène Aji to guarantee your place.

Present plans are to make high-quality videos of the reading and roundtable, to be edited and uploaded in the near future; interviews with Barrett and Carla will be made by the ENS library and uploaded to YouTube.

Hélène Aji helene.aji@ens.psi.eu
Benoît Bondroit benoit.bondroit@parisnanterre.fr
Naomi Toth ntoth.parisnanterre.fr
Barrett Watten barrett.watten@gmail.com

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Diasporic Avant-Gardes:
East Asian Transitions in Form and Genre

American Comparative Literature Association
National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei
15–18 June 2022

Barrett Watten, English, Wayne State University
Lauri Scheyer, British and American Poetry
Research Center, Hunan Normal University 

This seminar continues the work of Diasporic Avant-Gardes: Experimental Poetics and Cultural Displacement (ed. Barrett Watten and Carrie Noland; Palgrave, 2009)—a collection of essays addressing the intersection of diasporic literatures and the European avant-garde, with examples from African, Maghrebi, Jewish, and Hispanic diasporas. A decade later, much new work has appeared on innovative forms and genres of poetry, prose, visual art, and media reflecting the diasporic experience of East Asians over two centuries of global migration. On the one hand, the emergence of self-described avant-garde movements that engage and depart from the Euro-American model, particularly in Japan and China but at differing moments in the 50s/60s and 80s/present, has been recognized in major exhibitions. Global figures such as Yoko Ono, Yayoi Kusama, Ai Wei-wei, Cai Guo-qiang, and Huang Yongping critically address issues of material form, cultural translation, commodification, economic dispossession, and global migration. The work of experimental East Asian poets such as Kim Hyesoon, Ito Hiromi, and Hsia Yu opens the way toward a developing canon of women authors in translation and has led to critical reflection on translation itself. Asian American poets with differing histories of emigration have developed a range of innovative forms, from authors such as John Yau, Mei-mei Berssenbrugge, Pamela Lu, and Tan Lin to Don Mee Choi, Sawako Nakayusa, Mary-Kim Arnold, and Ocean Vuong. New prose genres have appeared after the examples of Maxine Hong Kingston and Yoko Tawada in innovative fictions by Tao Lin, Eugene Lim, and Karen An-hwei Lee. The reception of Asian American visual artists from Nam June Paik, Theresa Hak Kyung Cha, and Tehching Hsieh to the current exhibition of Hung Liu points toward the global transition of strictly Eurocentric theories of the avant-garde. This seminar seeks papers that explore individual artists and movements; reflects on their innovations of form and genre; and theorizes experiences of cultural distinctiveness in terms of migration, displacement, cultural heritage, appropriation, linguistic and stylistic hybridity, radical iconoclasm, and syncretic identity—seen in a productive dialogue with or a decisive reconceptualization of Euro-American avant-garde movements.

Submit proposals to ACLA by Sunday, October 31 here
For PDF flyer, click here; for online seminar page, here
Contact barrett.watten@gmail.com for more information

N.B. “In view of the ongoing pandemic, the 2022 conference may need to be moved online again. The board has developed a contingency plan and will make a final decision in January 2022″—ACLA.


Ai Wei-wei, Dropping a Han Dynasty Urn, 1995

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Document 93: Global Ideation

The global circulation of ideas advances with the publication of the Journal of Foreign Languages and Cultures, vol. 5, no. 1, edited by Laurie Scheyer from Hunan Normal University. As with last year’s special forum on “Modernity @ Zero Hour,” this issue contains a set of papers—distributed through a capacious issue with numerous related themes—that developed in an online webinar, “Avant-Gardes @ Zero Hour,” which took place during conditions of COVID in March 2021. The webinar itself, thanks to Zoom, was itself global and involved participants from seven time zones, from New Zealand to Moscow. It also could include a performance event, the in-time screening of Carla Harryman’s “Occupying Theodor W. Adorno’s Music and New Music: A Re-Performance,” originally proposed for the canceled EAM conference in Fall 2020. In this best of all possible worlds, our proposed event went forward; papers were presented, comments generated, drafts revised, and the results are now distributed to the world at large. Below I list the contents and link to the six papers that were the result of that effort, seen as part of a larger conversation in a global framework. Indeed my own contribution, “The Global Archive and the Future of Poetics,” looks at the form of the global exhibition after the German documenta, but it easily applies to what we are doing here. … More

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