Entries tagged with I Met

Event 38: I Met (Memorial Site)

23–26 August 2013

My father died on 23 August 2013, and I posted a brief account below. The response of many friends, writers, colleagues, family—in several media but primarily on Facebook—was both moving and helpful. I want to record the names of those who responded here, making a kind of guestbook for the memorial event this page now is.

Heidi Eichbauer
Stephen Vincent
Susan Schultz
Ben Friedlander
Nada Gordon
Ben Lee
Ruth Lepson
Christine Neufield
Nataša Kovacevic
Scott MacLeod
… More


Engagement ceremony
Asa Watten and Sony Rane
Solon, Ohio
4 August 2013

What you are seeing in this photo: it’s traditional for many Hindu-Indians to exchange rings at an engagement ceremony called Sakar Puda (literal translated as “sugar packet”). Rings are typically not exchanged at the wedding. Instead, where Sony is from (Maharashtra) grooms give a gold necklace with black beads (called a Mangalsutra). Our brief Sakar Puda also included an exchange of new clothes (Sony is wearing the sari Carla bought her in the photo) and a gift of a coconut and five different fruits. Other women in the community also gave Sony fruits and rice as a blessing and symbol of prosperity. –Asa

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I Met (Amsterdam)
Reading @ Perdu
Hotel Lloyd, Amsterdam
30 July 2013
(After On Kawara)

Frank Keizer
Samuel Vriezen
Rachel O’Reilly
Mia You
Wouter Beek
Ton Van t’Hof

I Met (DE Research)
Kassel and Berlin, Germany
23-30 July 2013
(After On Kawara)

Petra Hinck
Donna Stonecipher
Wolfgang Erler
Josepha Conrad
Uljana Wolf
Christian Hawkey
Eugene Ostashevsky
Oya Ataman
Daniel Tiffany
Christine Wolf


I Met (Paterson)
5th Biennial Conference
of the William Carlos Williams Society
William Paterson University
27-29 June 2013
(After On Kawara)

Stephen Hahn
Scott Peterson
Alisa Allkins
Kyle Allkins
Joshua Keiter
Kate Schnur
Christopher Wagstaff
Alec Marsh
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Susann Köhler, Alisa Allkins, Tanja Aho, Ed Brown / May 2013, Munich

I Met (Munich/Nuremberg)
5th Annual Exchange Program
Bavarian-American Academy, Munich
Universität Erlangen/Nürnberg
20 May-1 June 2012
(After On Kawara)

Alisa Allkins
Ed Brown
Vinny Haddad
Mahshid Mayer
Marcus Merritt
Jonathan Plumb
Melanie Zynel
Meike Zwingenberger
Heike Paul
Klaus Benesch
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I Met (Berkeley/Oakland/SF)
9-13 May 2013
(After On Kawara)

Amy Smith
Suzanne Stein
Jan Watten
Emilie Watten
Jamie Brunson
Karen Yandow
Randy Hussong
Suzy Barnard
Betty Jo Costanza
Clint Imboden
Brian Ang
Sara Larsen
… More

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I Met (Lodz/Warszawa)
Constellations: Art and
the Experience of Modernity
Muzeum Sztuki, Lodz, Poland
10–15 April 2013 (After On Kawara)

Julia Fiedorczuk
Marcin Sendecki
Malgorzata Ludwisiak
Jaroslaw Lubiak
Daniel Muzyczuk
Pawel Polit
Przemyslaw Purtak
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Event 28: I Met (ACLA)

onkawara 01

I Met (ACLA)
American Comparative Literature Association
Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island
30 March–1 April 2012
After On Kawara

Omaar Hena
Nathan Suhr-Systma
Jim Cocola
Matthew Nelson
Sonya Posmentier
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Event 26: I Met (Chicago)

I Met (Chicago)
House reading @ Jennifer Rupert/Chris Glomski
4 November 2011, Humboldt Park, Chicago
After On Kawara

Jennifer Rupert
Chris Glomski
Janet Wondra
Gina Buccola
Jeffery Gore
Alison James
Jorge Frisancho
Joyce Colton
Jinny Lim
Peter O’Leary
Michael O’Leary
Jen Karmin
A. D. Jameson
Robin Hursey
Emily Branch
Ryan Kenealy
Bertie Kenealy