Entries tagged with narrative

Location: Ozarks region; date: circa 1516; time: various.

In the 1530s and 40s, the Spaniard Cabeza de Vaca and his conquistadores followed the Mississippi River and came in contact with various Native American tribes of varying dispositions. Upon befriending the Avavares further westward they were told a most unusual tale. According to the Indians, approximately sixteen years earlier the region had been visited by another “bearded” character of unusual aspect. This fellow was called by the Indians “Malacosa” or Mr. “Bad thing” (according to the Spaniards) an accurate appellation given his proclivities. Even though bearded his facial features were “never seen clearly” or where otherwise indistinct or else clouded by a mist. This character “invaded” Indian homes by night, accompanied by a light and an electrical sensation that would make the hair of the inhabitants “stand on end.” Apparently paralyzed, the poor tribespeople would stand helpless as, armed with a “blazing brand” or wand the bearded creature would rush inside and perform intrusive surgeries upon its victims. … More